Category: Personal Injury

What Is Attorney-Client Privilege in a Personal Injury Case?

Posted on 07/11/24

in Personal Injury

Attorney-client privilege is not only important in criminal justice cases, but it’s also an essential aspect of a personal injury case. Before you hire an Oklahoma City injury attorney to represent your rights and best interests in a personal injury case, it’s important to have a full understanding of attorney-client privilege, when it’s in place,…

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Pros and Cons of Hiring a Personal Injury Lawyer

Posted on 07/11/24

in Personal Injury

Recovering from a serious injury is distressing enough without the hassles of a complex legal case seeking compensation for damages like medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering. Thankfully, most people aren’t injured regularly, so navigating the legal system for a personal injury claim is a rare occurrence and an unfamiliar process. Many injury…

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