10 Tips For Avoiding Car Accidents

Posted on 06/27/24

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10 Tips For Avoiding Car Accidents in Oklahoma City

We rarely think twice about stepping into a car to reach a daily destination, run errands, or take a road trip, yet over 36,000 car accidents occur in the United States each day. Car accidents send more than the car spinning off-course, they have a similar effect on the victim’s life when it’s a serious accident with injuries requiring medical treatment, time away from work, and temporary or permanent disability.

It isn’t always possible to avoid an accident because we cannot control the behaviors of other drivers but the following tips can minimize the risk of experiencing a car accident.

  1. Avoid Distractions

Distracted driving remains a serious problem on the roadways, despite changes in most state laws to prohibit hands-on cell phone use. In the five seconds it takes to read the average text message, a vehicle traveling at 55 miles per hour travels the length of a football field—all with the driver’s eyes away from the road.

Drivers should only use hand-held devices in a moving car in emergencies. It’s also important to minimize the risk of a distracted driving accident by not eating or grooming while driving.

  1. Scan Ahead

Some drivers, particularly inexperienced drivers, focus their gaze on the area immediately in front of their car or use tunnel vision, remaining largely unaware of what’s going on around them. This may not leave enough time to react to an incident on the road ahead. Experts recommend scanning ahead at least 10-12 seconds passing time and viewing the entire scene around your car panoramically so you know the positions of other vehicles and obstacles around your car.

  1. Follow the Speed Limit Laws

Road and traffic planning entities engage in studies to determine the safest and most effective transportation speeds for various regions, road conditions, and traffic situations before determining the maximum speed limit. Disregarding the speed limit laws not only places you at risk of a traffic ticket, but also increases the risk of an accident and the severity of the injuries in a crash. The crash force of a collision increases substantially for every five miles per hour speed increase.

  1. Be Vigilant at Signal Lights, Stop Signs, and Intersections

Most accidents happen at intersections where people commonly make decisions and judgment calls before moving forward in traffic or rely upon signal lights and signs that also require other drivers to abide by them to guide traffic safely. It’s important to carefully adhere to the rules of right of way at all types of intersections to avoid causing an accident.

  1. Avoid Tailgating

Rear-end collisions are one of the most common types of car accidents with impacts ranging from mild fender-benders to deadly accidents. It’s essential to leave enough space between your car and the vehicle directly in front. Traffic experts recommend the 3-second rule. Choose a fixed point ahead and count the seconds between the front car passing the point and your car passing it. There should be at least 3 seconds of timing between vehicles.

Sadly, we’ve all noticed that opportunists may use this proper space to cut us off in traffic. Do not be that driver!

  1. Adjust Your Speed for the Weather Conditions

When inclement weather interferes with driving ability, such as icy roads, slippery roads, or dense fog, you should adjust your speed downward to allow greater stopping time and minimize injuries if an accident occurs.

  1. Look Over Your Shoulder When Changing Lanes or Reversing

Rear-view and side mirrors on vehicles are essential components of safe driving, but they don’t always reveal parallel vehicles traveling in blind spots. Instead of relying solely upon your mirrors, it’s best to glance over your shoulder before changing lanes, merging into traffic, or when backing up.

  1. Be Vigilant Around Large Commercial Trucks

We rely on the goods and services provided by large commercial vehicles, but immense trucks pose a danger to motorists in smaller vehicles. When sharing the roadway with large trucks, avoid traveling directly alongside the trailer or immediately under the cab. Leave extra space when following and when moving in front of a truck after passing.

  1. Perform Routine Maintenance on Your Vehicle

No matter how careful or experienced a driver you are, a worn-out, malfunctioning, or faulty brake system, steering system, lights, or tire can cause an accident. Take your vehicle in regularly for routine maintenance and perform period checks on your tires and major operating systems to ensure your vehicle is functioning safely.

  1. Be Courteous, Defensive, and Non-Aggressive

No matter how late you may be or irritated at other drivers, it’s not worth your life or that of someone else. Always drive defensively instead of aggressively. Be courteous to other drivers and rigidly adhere to traffic laws. Make sure to speak with an experienced car accident lawyer in Oklahoma City for legal guidance and support if you are injured.