Lawton Traumatic Brain Injury Lawyer

Few words are as frightening as “traumatic brain injury.” The brain is more than the body’s control center, it’s also the core of all thought, emotion, and personality. Even a minor brain injury like a concussion is concerning, requires emergency medical care, and has long-term potential consequences. More serious traumatic brain injuries can cause permanent impairment and disability.

When a brain injury results from someone else’s careless, reckless, or wrongful actions, it’s even more distressing for all involved. A personal injury attorney in Lawton can help the injury victim recover the compensation, financial accountability, and justice they deserve. Call Dan Davis Law for experienced representation in your claim.

Why Choose Dan Davis Law as Your Brain Injury Law Firm In Lawton?

A brain injury is serious and deserves serious representation. At Dan Davis Law, we offer the following unique advantages to your traumatic brain injury claim:

  • A personalized strategy tailored to achieve the best possible outcome based on the unique circumstances of your case
  • A 30-year history of advocating for seriously injured individuals harmed by the destructive or negligent actions of others
  • A family-owned law firm with individualized attention devoted to your case and the resources and investigative skills of a large-city attorney’s office

A brain injury lawyer in Lawton from the office of Dan Davis Law is ready to represent your best interests throughout the process of your traumatic brain injury case with no upfront costs to you. Let our history of success put a strong voice behind your claim.

What are the Most Common Causes of Brain Injuries In Lawton?

The brain is protected by a cushioning layer of fluid and the bony skull. Unfortunately, this isn’t always adequate protection for delicate brain tissue. When the head experiences blunt force trauma, a strong shake, or a penetrating injury, it damages the delicate nerves responsible for bodily function. Common causes of brain injuries in Lawton include the following:

A traumatic brain injury is an emergency, requiring immediate treatment to prevent a worsened outcome.

Types of Traumatic Brain Injuries In Lawton

Some brain injuries occur due to disease and medical conditions, but when outside forces cause damage to the brain, it’s a traumatic brain injury. The most common traumatic brain injuries in Oklahoma and elsewhere include the following:

  • Concussions: this mild type of brain injury occurs when a blow causes the brain to shake, bump, or twist inside the skull
  • Contusions: when a blow, bump, or twist of the brain inside the skull causes bleeding and inflammation, forming a bruise on the brain
  • Coup-contrecoup injury: this occurs when a brain injury occurs to one side of the brain with enough force to cause the brain to bump against the skull on the opposite side of the brain resulting in two injuries
  • Diffuse axonal injury:  a severe brain injury that results from the brain’s twisting inside the skull, stretching, damaging, and shearing the axons that connect critical nerve fibers

Brain injuries have long-term impacts on function, the ability to work, mood, and personality.

What Damages Can I Recover In a Lawton Brain Injury Claim?

Brain injuries are expensive, as well as painful and frightening. Serious brain injuries often require extensive medical and rehabilitative treatment. Common damages recovered in brain injury claims in Lawton and elsewhere include past and future medical expenses, lost earnings, lowered future earning ability, compensation for pain and suffering, and compensation for diminished quality of life.

Call the Traumatic Brain Injury Attorneys at Dan Davis Law

If you or a loved one suffered a traumatic brain injury in Lawton or the surrounding area, you deserve justice and compensation. Contact Dan Davis Law today for the experienced representation you and your family deserve and the maximum chances for a favorable outcome.