Moore Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

The motorcycle culture thrives in Moore and throughout Oklahoma. With scenic rides like the legendary Route 66 and a biker-friendly temperate climate, motorcyclists in Oklahoma enjoy exhilarating weekend rides and a gas-friendly method of daily transportation to work or school. But part of the excitement of a motorcycle ride is the same open-air experience that leaves the rider vulnerable to serious or catastrophic injuries in a crash.

No one thinks an accident will happen to them, but even the most experienced motorcyclists can have an accident, often through no fault of their own. The most common cause of motorcycle accidents in Moore is driver carelessness. When a motorist makes a careless mistake or acts recklessly behind the wheel, they are responsible for providing compensation if their negligence causes injury. Call the Moore personal injury attorneys at Dan Davis Law today if you’ve suffered injuries in a motorcycle accident due to someone else’s negligence on the roadway.

Why Choose Us for Your Motorcycle Accident Lawyers in Moore?

Motorcycle accidents quickly cause financial hardship, especially those that result in severe injuries. Even relatively minor, completely recoverable injuries are painful and expensive with only a single missed paycheck. Either way, when someone else’s negligence caused the accident, they are responsible for compensating you for damages like medical costs and lost wages. The motorcycle accident lawyers in Moore are ready to help. Dan Davis Law provides the following:

  • Free case consultations and no fees until we secure your compensation
  • Over 25 years of navigating motorcycle accident injury claims in Oklahoma
  • A powerful voice behind your claim from motorcycle accident attorneys with a track record of success in securing millions for injured clients in the Moore and Oklahoma City area
  • Skilled investigation and diligent attention to every legal detail of your case to ensure prompt action on your claim
  • A Moore motorcycle accident injury lawyer who is a skilled negotiator to achieve the highest possible settlement in your case
  • Powerful negotiators who are more than ready to take your case to court should the at-fault party’s insurer wrongfully deny the claim or fail to offer an acceptable settlement amount

While you’re experiencing painful medical treatments and dealing with recovery after a motorcycle accident in Moore, you shouldn’t have to simultaneously take on a complex legal claim—especially against insurance companies that commonly protect their profits at the victim’s expense. A motorcycle accident lawyer in Moore focuses on your financial recovery while you work on maximizing your physical recovery.

Common Causes of Motorcycle Accidents in Moore

Motorcycle accidents are terrifying and traumatic, with nothing between the rider and the road or other obstacles in a crash. Common causes of motorcycle accidents in Moore include:

These all-too-common causes of motorcycle accidents in Moore result in accidents like rear-end collisions, T-bone accidents, head-on collisions, sideswipes, and run-off-the-road accidents—all of which may cause life-altering injuries to the motorcyclist.

Injured in a Motorcycle Accident in Moore? Contact Dan Davis Law Today at (405) 241-4600.

Moore Motorcycle Accident Injuries

The idea of taking on a motorcycle accident claim for damages can be unnerving, especially when you’re still dealing with the pain of recovering from injuries. That’s why a call to the Moore motorcycle accident lawyers at Dan Davis Law is an important first step toward moving forward. Motorcycle accident injuries range from mild to severe, but almost all injuries cause economic and non-economic damages. Common injuries in Moore motorcycle accident claims include:

  • Fractures
  • Traumatic head injuries (TBI)
  • Back injuries
  • Neck injuries
  • Knee injuries
  • Shoulder injuries
  • Road rash abrasions
  • Soft tissue injuries
  • Spinal cord damage

A rider’s body has no protection in a motorcycle accident. Direct impact on the road, a car, or obstacles results in traumatic injuries. Though helmets increase the chances of survival, it doesn’t prevent all injuries.

Common Damages in Motorcycle Accident Claims in Moore

Motorcycle accident injuries can cause severe or grave injuries. In some cases, they result in fatalities, in which case, family members can pursue a wrongful death claim against an at-fault driver. For motorcycle accidents resulting in serious injuries, common compensation includes claims for damages such as the following:

  • Property damage
  • Medical costs
  • Future medical expenses for further treatment or rehabilitation
  • Lost income
  • Future income loss
  • Diminished earning capacity due to accident-caused disability
  • Pain and suffering
  • Other non-economic damages that might apply in your individualized case such as disfigurement compensation, loss of enjoyment of life, or emotional trauma

A claim for compensation for damages after a motorcycle accident in Moore may not erase pain or undo injuries, but it helps relieve financial burdens so you can focus on healing.

Proving Liability in a Motorcycle Accident Claim

Oklahoma is a comparative negligence insurance state that requires injury victims in traffic accidents to present evidence of fault and liability. It often takes an experienced motorcycle accident attorney to investigate all aspects of the accident, including examining any photos or video, consulting accident reconstruction experts, and deposing eyewitnesses, to document evidence of an at-fault driver’s liability. Insurance companies commonly take the stance that motorcyclists are reckless and contribute to accident fault, even when the rider did nothing wrong. Proving a careless driver’s liability requires showing the following:

  • That the at-fault party owed a duty of care to the motorcyclist and others on the road to take reasonable measures to prevent injuries
  • They breached this duty through an act of negligence or recklessness
  • Their breach of duty directly caused injury to the motorcyclist
  • The motorcyclist suffered economic and non-economic damages from the injury

When motorcycle accident claims go to court, the jury is instructed to ask themselves if a reasonable driver in the same circumstances would have acted differently. If the answer is yes, then the driver is at fault for the accident. The same standard applies to negligent motorcycle part manufacturers, negligent repair shops, or negligent road maintenance agencies that cause a motorcycle accident though these third-party cases are less common. Dan Davis Law is ready to take on your motorcycle accident claim even in complex liability cases.

Call the Moore Motorcycle Accident Lawyers at Dan Davis Today

If you or a family member suffered injuries and damages in a motorcycle accident in Moore, reach out to Dan Davis Law today for a free consultation with compassionate advocates who can protect your financial interests, navigate the legal aspects of your claim, and maximize your compensation.