Oklahoma City Whiplash Injuries

Posted on 09/28/22

in Car Accidents

One of the most common injuries from car accidents is whiplash, with over 2 million Americans suffering from whiplash injuries each year. Whiplash can occur even in mild car accidents and fender-benders, but may have lasting painful effects requiring treatment for recovery. 

Front and rear-end accidents are the most common causes of whiplash, but car accidents aren’t the only way whiplash occurs. You can suffer from whiplash due to high-impact or high-speed sports, from an assault, or from a fall. If you experienced whiplash from an accident caused by another party’s negligence or reckless action, you deserve financial compensation for your medical expenses and lost wages. The Oklahoma City accident attorneys at the Dan Davis Law Firm can skillfully and aggressively advocate on your behalf to secure the financial compensation you deserve to recover medical expenses and lost wages due to your whiplash injury.

Recognizing Whiplash Symptoms

Whiplash occurs when a very sudden stop forces the head and neck into a sudden back-and-forth motion that causes damage to tendons, discs, muscles, and nerves. The weight of the head causes a snapping motion like the lash of a whip in the neck and causes painful damage to soft tissues and discs. Many times a victim feels whiplash pain immediately after an accident, but in some cases, the stress and trauma of an accident make the discomfort less noticeable immediately after impact, but the damage becomes evident over the following hours or days. Symptoms of whiplash injury include:

  • Neck pain and stiffness
  • Shoulder pain
  • Headaches
  • Ringing in the ears
  • Dizziness
  • Sleeplessness
  • Blurred vision
  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Difficulty concentrating

If you notice these symptoms and recently suffered a car accident or slip and fall, you need to seek medical attention so a doctor can evaluate your condition. In many cases, doctors recommend physical therapy to treat the injury since limiting movement — a natural reaction to the pain and stiffness — can worsen whiplash injuries and lengthen recovery time.

When another party is at fault for your whiplash injury in Oklahoma, you’re entitled to financial compensation. The diligent, experienced attorneys at Dan Davis Accident Attorneys in Oklahoma City can help you regain your losses.

What Damages Can I Expect From a Whiplash Claim?

Skilled attorneys like those at Dan Davis Law in Oklahoma City can evaluate your claim, investigate your case, and help you gain compensation for your injury. While amounts vary greatly with the severity of the injury, common compensation for whiplash claims includes the following damages:

  • Medical expenses and future expenses for ongoing treatment
  • Lost wages and lost future earnings
  • Pain and suffering
  • In extreme cases with the most severe injury, accident victims may receive damages for long-term disability

Insurance companies are not on the victim’s side when it comes to paying out accident claims for whiplash and other injuries. Often they undervalue or deny claims outright for a variety of reasons. That’s why you need the help of an experienced attorney with resources and knowledge like the Oklahoma City injury attorneys at Dan Davis Law Offices to ensure you get the maximum benefit from your claim either through a settlement or a judgment in court. Contact our office today so we can evaluate your case and prepare your claim for compensation.