Broken Arrow Car Accident Lawyer

The aftermath of a car accident is chaotic and confusing. You may be dealing with the pain and trauma of serious injuries at the same time that you’re expected to navigate complex insurance claims. At Dan Davis Law, our team of car accident attorneys in Broken Arrow understands the lasting impacts of a serious car accident on the whole family. You can put our legal knowledge and decades of experience in Oklahoma’s comparative fault insurance system to work for you to maximize your compensation.

When someone else’s actions behind the wheel result in your injury, you shouldn’t be left holding the bag for financial damages when your focus should be on recovering from your physical injuries.

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Injured? Contact Our Broken Arrow Car Accident Attorneys Today!

Why Choose Us as Your Car Accident Attorneys in Broken Arrow

An experienced Broken Arrow personal injury attorney from Dan Davis Law takes a resolution-based approach to prove liability, document evidence, and carefully calculate damages to maximize compensation for car accident injuries. Some injuries are life-altering, but even less serious injuries require expensive medical care and missed work days—all at the same time that you may no longer have a working vehicle due to damage from the car accident.

An attorney from Dan Davis Law is ready to advocate for you in negotiations with the insurance company of the party at fault and file a lawsuit within Oklahoma’s two-year statute of limitations for car accident cases if necessary to secure the ample compensation you deserve.

You can reach out to our Broken Arrow car accident law firm today for a free consultation so we can begin a strong strategy for your unique case.

Proving Liability Under Oklahoma’s Fault-Based Car Accident Laws

In Oklahoma, it matters who caused a car accident. Unlike the handful of no-fault insurance states, Oklahoma’s comparative negligence laws mean even if you were partly at fault in the accident, you can still claim a portion of your damages as long as the other party was 51% or more at fault. For example, if the other car’s tail lights were out, but you were found to be 25% at fault because you were exceeding the speed limit when you rear-ended them, you can still recover $75,000 of a $100,000 claim.

The seasoned attorneys at Dan Davis Law in Broken Arrow know how to navigate the system in Broken Arrow car accident claims to prove liability for the at-fault party and counteract insurance company tactics such as their adjusters assigning you a higher percentage of fault than you’re due. Proving an at-fault party liable in a Broken Arrow car accident claim requires an investigation to show the following:

  • That the at-fault party owed a duty of care to take reasonable actions to prevent injury to you and others on the roadway
  • That they breached this duty by acting negligently or recklessly behind the wheel
  • That their breach of duty caused your injury
  • That you’ve suffered significant damages due to the injury

Negligent, distracted, or intoxicated drivers are often the liable parties in car accident claims in Broken Arrow and the surrounding area, but in some cases, third parties could be at fault, such as a road maintenance crew who left debris in the road or the manufacturer of a defective car part. Car accident claims in Oklahoma require skilled legal investigators with knowledge and resources in this specialized area.

What Damages Can I Recover After My Car Accident in Broken Arrow?

Car accidents are costly, both to physical and financial well-being. A successful car accident claim can recover damages including:

  • Reimbursement for your medical expenses
  • Compensation for property damage to your vehicle and personal items
  • Income loss reimbursement
  • Compensation for diminished earning capacity if you’ve been disabled by your injuries
  • Pain and suffering and additional appropriate non-economic damages like disfigurement compensation, compensation for traumatic limb loss, loss of pleasure in life, or PTSD.

If you lost a beloved family member in the accident, our wrongful death attorneys at Dan Davis Law are ready to help by navigating the legal claim for you while you focus on helping your family through their grief.

Contact Our Broken Arrow Car Accident Attorney Today

At Dan Davis Law, we have deep compassion for our injured clients and we want to help make things right to the best possible extent. Contact us so that we can be your voice for justice after a car accident caused by someone else’s negligence. Our contingency-based fees mean you have nothing to lose. We only take our fee after we secure the compensation you deserve.