Edmond Spinal Cord Injury Lawyer

All injuries are unexpected, painful, and distressing, but few injuries are as life-altering as a spinal cord injury. If you or a family member experienced a spinal cord injury in Edmond or the surrounding Oklahoma region, you can recover compensation for the extensive, life-long damages if someone else’s actions caused the injury. Just contact Dan Davis Law today for a free consultation.

Spinal cord injury victims face significant challenges with impacts ranging from partial to complete paralysis. For a serious, life-changing injury, you need a law firm that’s willing to make your case their own as they aggressively pursue the maximum compensation available to you. Call the Edmond personal injury attorneys at Dan Davis Law today so we can hear the details of your case in a free consultation.

Why Choose Us as Your Spinal Cord Injury Law Firm in Edmond?

Dan Davis Law has represented injury victims in Oklahoma for over three decades, recovering the maximum compensation for injuries caused by another individual or business. Our founding attorney, Daniel Davis, is a dedicated advocate for injury victims, obtaining substantial settlements and jury awards for those who’ve suffered catastrophic injuries like spinal cord damage. Dan Davis Law offers clients:


The Edmond spinal cord injury attorneys at Dan Davis have an in-depth understanding of Oklahoma’s personal injury law and the resources and ability to gather crucial evidence, carefully calculate damages, and make a compelling case for liability. We put our extensive legal prowess behind every client’s case with an individualized strategy.


Our compassionate Edmond spinal cord injury lawyers have long legal histories of dedicated client advocacy achieving large settlements over decades of honing our negotiation skills. We are also experienced litigators and trial lawyers who are more than able to bring a compelling case before a jury if necessary to achieve the best possible outcome.


The personal injury advocates at Dan Davis Law have obtained over $400 million for our injured clients in Edmond by holding negligent parties accountable for their actions or carelessness.

We offer every client a free evaluation of their case and a contingency-based payment method so we only take a fee if we obtain compensation.

Suffering from a spinal cord injury in Edmond? Speak with a spinal cord injury attorney from Dan Davis by calling (405) 241-4600.

Common Causes of Spinal Cord Injuries in Edmond

The spinal cord provides the means of sending messages back and forth between the brain and body. When an injury disrupts this pathway, the result is a loss of function below the level of the injury. Common causes of spinal cord injuries in Oklahoma include the following:

Despite the bony vertebrae that form a protective column around the delicate nerves of the spinal cord, a powerful impact, back-and-forth shaking motion, jolt, or penetrating injury may cause the protective vertebrae to shatter, resulting in trauma to the spinal cord from shards of bone and damaging inflammation. The level of the injury on the spinal cord determines the severity of the consequences.

Determining the Level of Damage Caused by a Spinal Cord Injury

The location of the injury on the spinal cord determines the damage and level of disability the injury victim suffers from the injury. When the spinal cord is badly damaged or severed, the body below the level of the injury can no longer receive or send messages, resulting in loss of movement and sensation below the injury point. The higher the injury, the more complete the paralysis. Injury victims who suffer damage to the cervical spine in the neck suffer the most severe injury with paralysis from the neck down (quadriplegia or tetraplegia). The individual requires assistive medical equipment and full-time care. Injuries to the thoracic and lumbar spine result in immobility from the waist down or the lower body and legs (paraplegia). Affected individuals rely on a wheelchair and medical equipment for waste elimination. Finally, injury in the sacral level or lowest portion of the spine causes partial paralysis of the legs. The injury victim may require a wheelchair or walk with assistive equipment.

Proving Liability in a Spinal Cord Injury Case in Edmond

Personal injury claims in Oklahoma and elsewhere center around the idea that we all owe a duty of care to avoid causing harm to those around us. Proving liability for spinal cord injuries and other personal injury cases requires gathering and documenting evidence of the at-fault party’s actions and liability. This includes showing the following points through the evidence in the case:

  • The at-fault party owed a duty of care to the victim to take reasonable measures to avoid causing injuries—such as a hotel owner’s duty to ensure balconies are secure, safe, and in good repair
  • They breached this duty through negligence, reckless actions, or intentional wrongdoing
  • Their breach of duty caused a spinal cord injury to another
  • The injury victim suffered serious economic and non-economic damages from the spinal cord injury

Once your spinal cord injury attorney in Edmond from Dan Davis Law compiles evidence of liability, they present it along with a carefully calculated list of your damages to the appropriate insurance company such as auto insurance in a car accident case or property liability insurance in a slip-and-fall accident. A spinal cord injury lawyer in Edmond may pursue compensation from multiple liable parties in some cases, especially those with extensive damages that exceed insurance policy limits, like a spinal cord injury case.

What Are the Damages In Most Spinal Cord Injury Cases in Oklahoma?

Spinal cord injuries come with life-long consequences and extensive economic and non-economic damages to the victim. Common damages claimed in spinal cord injury cases include:

  • Past and future medical expenses
  • Past and future income loss
  • Lowered future earning ability due to disability
  • Loss of enjoyment of life
  • Loss of consortium with a loved one
  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional damage like PTSD, anxiety, and depression

Spinal cord injury victims require ongoing medical treatment as they adapt to their disability. They often experience other negative consequences to their health such as respiratory and urinary tract infections, pressure sores, and weakened bones.

Contact Dan Davis Law Today

If you or your loved one sustained a preventable spinal cord injury, you shouldn’t have to take time away from your medical needs to deal with the legal requirements of a large insurance claim or lawsuit. Instead, contact Dan Davis Law so we can begin prompt action on your case while you focus on reaching the maximum medical improvement for your condition. Our compassionate client advocates are ready to help you achieve the best possible outcome in your case.