Tulsa Wrongful Death Lawyer

Lost a Loved One Due to Someone Else's Negligence? Contact a Wrongful Death Lawyer Today.

An unexpected death always feels wrong to loved ones left behind, but when the death occurs due to someone else’s negligence, reckless act, or intentional wrongdoing, the close surviving family members may suffer not only grief and anguish but also financial hardship—especially if the deceased loved one was a family provider.

When a loved one dies a preventable death in Oklahoma, a Tulsa wrongful death attorney can help surviving family members through the overwhelming consequences by taking on the legal challenge of the wrongful death claim process while they focus on saying goodbye to their loved one.

Contact the Oklahoma City wrongful death attorneys at Dan Davis Law to talk about your family member’s death so we can help you give your family the justice they deserve as well as compensation for the financial consequences.

Why Choose Us for Your Wrongful Death Lawyers in Tulsa?

It can be difficult to keep a cool head when you’re suffering the grief of an unexpected death. Sadly, insurance companies sometimes take advantage of the tumultuous time after a sudden death to undervalue the damages of the claim or deny it completely. It takes the cool head of a compassionate and experienced personal injury lawyer in Tulsa to take on the legal process of a wrongful death claim for grieving family members. With an Oklahoma City personal injury attorney from Dan Davis Law, you’ll have the following advantages for your claim:

  • No upfront fees. Instead, we offer free consultations and a contingency-based payment system so we only take a fee after you get your settlement or jury award for damages
  • An attorney with years of experience navigating wrongful death claims for the best possible outcome in your case
  • A legal team that’s obtained hundreds of millions of dollars in compensation for our clients
  • A team of compassionate attorneys who understand the emotional impacts of a wrongful death on a family as well as the financial consequences
  • Dedicated advocates to investigate your claim, prove liability, and secure the maximum compensation for your damages

At Dan Davis Law, we’ll treat your wrongful death case with the dignity and compassion your loved one deserves while we seek to relieve the financial burdens caused by the loss. Let us be your loved one’s voice for justice.

Do You Have A Case for a Wrongful Death Claim?

If your loved one’s death was caused by someone else’s wrongful action or negligent inaction, according to Oklahoma statutes, close family members may seek compensation for the damages associated with the death. “Damages” in a wrongful death claim refer to the financial consequences of the death as well as the emotional ones.

Proving negligence, recklessness, or purposeful wrongdoing caused the death requires demonstrating legal liability for the loss. A Tulsa personal injury attorney from Dan Davis Law will thoroughly investigate the circumstances of your loved one’s death to document evidence of the following legal points of liability in Oklahoma wrongful death claims:

  • Duty of care: the individual or business responsible for the death had a duty to take reasonable care to prevent causing injury or death, like a driver’s duty to follow traffic laws or a manufacturer’s duty to produce safe products
  • Breach of Duty: the at-fault party breached their duty of care by acting with negligence, recklessness, or wrongdoing
  • Causation: The negligent breach of duty directly caused the death
  • Damages: The victim’s family members suffered significant economic and non-economic damages from the death

The burden of proving liability for a wrongful death claim in Oklahoma falls on the family members making the claim for damages. An experienced wrongful death lawyer in Tulsa can investigate the case to document clear evidence of the at-fault party’s liability for your loved one’s death.

Who Can File a Wrongful Death Claim in Oklahoma?

Wrongful death claims in Oklahoma are filed on behalf of close family members, like the deceased individual’s spouse, parent, or adult child, but unlike states that allow a close family member to file a claim directly, Oklahoma’s wrongful death laws require a personal representative of the family to file the claim. Often it’s the executor of the decedent’s will, otherwise, it may be a family member appointed by the court as a representative to file the claim. The compensation recovered goes to the closest surviving family member.

Causes of Wrongful Death in Tulsa

When an injury caused by negligence, recklessness, or wrongdoing results in a loved one’s death, the family member can make a wrongful death claim. Common wrongful death claims in Tulsa come from fatalities caused by the following:

When a preventable accident or a reckless or violent act causes a death, the surviving loved ones deserve compensation for their damages. Compensation typically comes from the defendant’s insurance policy, such as personal injury protection (PIP) after a car accident caused by a reckless driver or the premises liability insurance of a negligent property owner.

Damages in Tulsa Oklahoma Wrongful Death Claims

When a loved one dies, it leaves more than an emotional hole in the family, it often leaves a significant financial burden. Even if the family member wasn’t a financial provider for the family, often it was someone who provided household services like caring for the children or the home. Common damages claimed in wrongful death cases in Tulsa include the following:

  • Injury-related expenses like emergency medical treatment before the death, funeral expenses, and burial costs
  • Lost earnings for the number of working years the injury victim had left had they survived
  • Loss of benefits like health insurance and retirement plan
  • Loss of household and caregiving services
  • Emotional grief and anguish
  • Loss of companionship and consortium for a lost spouse
  • Loss of love and companionship of a child or the nurturing and support of a parent

A successful wrongful death claim can help your family move forward from your loss with fewer financial concerns.

Call the Tulsa Wrongful Death Lawyers at Dan Davis Law Today

If you’ve suffered the loss of a loved one and sustained serious economic and emotional damages from the death, the compassionate wrongful death attorneys at Dan Davis Law are ready to help you give your loved one a voice for justice. Your wrongful death attorney in Oklahoma will do the following:

  • Investigate the circumstances of the death
  • Document evidence of the at-fault party’s liability
  • Negotiate from an evidence-backed position of strength with the appropriate insurance company
  • Take the case to court in a lawsuit if the insurance company refuses the claim or seriously underestimates the damages

Call or contact the wrongful death lawyers at Dan Davis Law today so we can hear about your lost loved one and begin working on a personalized strategy for justice and compensation for your case.