Work Zone Crashes In Oklahoma City

It seems like road construction is never-ending on Oklahoma City roadways, causing frustrating traffic backups and delays at best—and serious car accidents at worst. Although road construction is a key part of our nation’s infrastructure improvements, it also increases the chances of car accidents in sections of roads where work zones are present. Sadly, there were 821 total work zone crash fatalities in 2022, including interstate highway accidents and crashes in local traffic. If you or a loved one has been injured in a work zone crash, an Oklahoma City personal injury attorney can help you navigate the legal process and pursue the compensation you deserve.

What Makes Accidents More Common In Work Zones?

Roads need routine maintenance, such as patching cracks and potholes, as well as major upgrades and restructuring based on changing traffic needs. Designated work zones are necessary to improve traffic flow and increase roadway safety, but they also cause hazardous conditions that lead to accidents. Common causes of work zone car accidents include the following:

  • Sudden changes in traffic patterns
  • Narrowed lanes or reduced lane numbers
  • Obstacles in the roadway, such as barrels, traffic cones, and barriers
  • Construction vehicles
  • Debris in the road
  • Confusing traffic signs or lack of adequate signage
  • Poorly planned road projects
  • Uneven lanes
  • Distracted driving
  • Speeding through work zones

Fatigued driving, aggressive driving, and impaired driving also add to dangerous conditions in Oklahoma City work zones.

Who Is Liable In an Oklahoma City Work Zone Crash?

Depending on the cause of a work zone car crash, there are many potentially liable parties, including a negligent driver, the construction company, a roadway planning agency, a negligent heavy-equipment operator, or the manufacturer of defective car parts or roadwork equipment.

Proving liability in an Oklahoma City work zone accident requires showing the following legal points of liability occurred in the case:

  • The at-fault party owed a duty of care to drivers in the work zone
  • They breached this duty through negligence
  • The breach of duty directly caused the accident and injuries
  • The injury victim suffered damages from the accident

Because there are several potentially liable parties in work zone crashes, defendants and their insurance companies often point the finger at others and deny claims. It takes an experienced car accident lawyer to make a strong case for liability against the correct party and their insurance company and to calculate a full list of the injury victim’s damages to present for compensation.

What Compensation Can I Recover In an Oklahoma City Car Accident Case?

Car accidents in work zones can cause serious or catastrophic injuries. Injuries are expensive to treat and often cause temporary or permanent disability that interferes with the ability to earn a living. Common damages recovered in Oklahoma City car accidents include the following:

  • Past and future medical expenses
  • Past and future income loss
  • Lowered earning capacity due to disability
  • Compensation for pain and suffering
  • Compensation for catastrophic injuries such as disfigurement, loss of vision, loss of hearing, the loss of an organ, or diminished quality of life
  • Compensation for emotional damages like PTSD, anxiety, or depression

If you lost a close family member in a work zone car accident, you can recover compensation through an Oklahoma City wrongful death claim.

Call the Oklahoma Work Zone Car Accident Lawyers at Dan Davis Law

You shouldn’t have to take on a complex claim that could involve several potentially liable parties without assertive representation on your side. Instead, reach out to the Oklahoma City car accident lawyers at Dan Davis Law to protect your best interests throughout the process.