Head On Collisions In Oklahoma City

Few words strike fear in hearts like “head-on collision.” When two moving vehicles collide head-on, it doubles the crash force of an accident. Two cars colliding head-on at 50 miles per hour have the same crash force as one car’s collision with a solid obstacle at 100 miles per hour, resulting in severe and even catastrophic injuries to motorists. Make sure to contact a car accident lawyer in Oklahoma City if you were injured in a head-on collision.

Head-on collisions make up 29.6% of two-car collisions, causing about 5,800 car accident fatalities in a single recent year.

What Causes Head-On Collisions In Oklahoma City?

A head-on collision occurs when cars collide with the impact point at the front end of both vehicles. This type of accident only occurs when one vehicle departs from its proper lane into oncoming traffic. The most common causes of head-on collision accidents in Oklahoma City and elsewhere include the following:

Head-on collisions cause serious injuries to motorists in both vehicles, particularly the driver and front-seat passenger who are closest to the point of impact.

Proving Liability In Head-On Collision Claims In Oklahoma City

Head-on collision survivors in Oklahoma City have the burden of proving an at-fault driver’s liability for their damages. This often takes a thorough investigation to meet the burden of proof. Proving liability requires showing evidence that meets the following legal aspects of liability:

  • The at-fault party owed a duty of care to the injury victim, such as the duty to follow traffic laws or to avoid distractions
  • They breached this duty through an act of negligence, recklessness, or wrongdoing behind the wheel
  • Their breach of duty caused the injury
  • The injury victim suffered damages from the injury

Damages in head-on collision claims are typically far more than just property damage to a vehicle. Most Oklahoma City head-on collision claims include damages such as medical expenses, lost earnings, and compensation for pain and suffering.

Injuries In Oklahoma Head-on Collisions

Damages in head-on collisions quickly add up due to the severity of injuries associated with this dangerous type of collision. Common injuries in head-on collision accidents include:

Airbags and seatbelts minimize the risk of fatalities in head-on collisions but cannot prevent all injuries and fatalities. If someone you love suffered fatal injuries due to a head-on collision caused by another driver, a car accident wrongful death claim can recover compensation for close family members who suffer the economic damages from the death.

How Can a Head-on Collision Accident Attorney Help My Case?

No one should have to take on the challenges of a head-on collision claim while dealing with the traumatic aftermath of the accident and painful injuries. Instead, call the experienced Oklahoma City personal injury lawyers at Dan Davis Law for skilled, assertive representation in your claim and the best possible chances of full and fair compensation.