How Can an Oklahoma City Car Accident Attorney Strengthen Your Case?

How Can an Oklahoma City Car Accident Attorney Strengthen Your Case?

A car accident is always a traumatic experience, sometimes with life-altering implications. Sadly, the distress often continues long after the accident, exacerbated by the challenges of obtaining fair compensation under Oklahoma’s modified comparison negligence insurance laws. Fault-based insurance systems require car accident victims to prove another driver’s liability for the accident or prove the negligence of another party like a road planning agency that didn’t provide adequate signage. Navigating these complex laws with meticulous paperwork and filing dates can quickly become frustrating, especially while dealing with painful injuries and a lengthy recovery process. Instead of taking on the burden of a legal claim and perhaps settling for less than the true value of your claim, hiring an experienced Oklahoma City car accident lawyer helps ensure the best possible outcome for your car accident case.

Why Do I Need an Attorney After a Car Accident in Oklahoma City?

To recover compensation after a car accident in a comparison negligence insurance state like Oklahoma requires proving fault and liability. An insurance company can reduce the amount of an injury victim’s compensation under Oklahoma §23-13 which states the following:

“…for negligence resulting in personal injuries or wrongful death, or injury to property, contributory negligence shall not bar a recovery, unless any negligence of the person so injured, damaged or killed, is of greater degree than any negligence of the person, firm or corporation causing such damage, or unless any negligence of the person so injured, damaged or killed, is of greater degree than the combined negligence of any persons, firms or corporations causing such damage.”

In other words, if your car accident damages amount to a $100,000 claim but an insurance company assigns you 25% of the fault in the accident, they only have to pay out $75,000. This often incentivizes insurers to assign injury victims an unfair portion of fault for an accident. A skilled Oklahoma City personal injury attorney effectively makes a compelling case to counteract these tactics and recover the most compensation available in your claim.

How Can a Car Accident Lawyer Help Your Case?

A car accident attorney assertively represents their injured client throughout the process of recovering damages. This includes:

  • Thoroughly investigating all aspects of the car accident to determine the cause
  • Documenting compelling evidence of an at-fault party’s liability
  • Carefully calculating damages like medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering
  • Sending an evidence-backed demand package to the appropriate insurance company
  • Negotiating with the insurance adjuster assigned to the case and representing a client through mediation when required
  • Obtaining the highest possible settlement or going on to file a lawsuit under the state’s two-year statute of limitations
  • Representing a client in court with a well-executed case proving liability

More than 93% of car accident cases are resolved out of court through a settlement; however, if a case goes to court, it takes an experienced trial attorney to make a compelling case to the jury. Court cases take longer to resolve, but typically result in a higher amount of compensation through a sympathetic jury.

Why Call an Oklahoma City Car Accident Lawyer From Dan Davis Law?

No one should have to handle the legal tangles of a car accident claim alone—especially while they’re dealing with painful injuries and the recovery process. By reaching out to Dan Davis Law in Oklahoma City, you’ll have the experienced representation you need through the financial recovery process so you can focus on your physical recovery. Contact us for a free consultation today.