What Are the Characteristics of a Good Personal Injury Lawyer In Oklahoma City?

What Are the Characteristics of a Good Personal Injury Lawyer In Oklahoma City?

Choosing the right injury lawyer in Oklahoma City to navigate your case can feel overwhelming when you’re already dealing with serious injuries, painful medical procedures, and a lengthy recovery period ahead. Injuries can quickly cause financial hardship as well as physical pain and emotional trauma. Medical bills coming in at the same time that injuries prevent a return to work mean making the right choices to recover compensation is critical. When the pressure is on to find and hire the right attorney, how does an injury victim know what to look for? What stand-out characteristics indicate that a personal injury lawyer is the right one for the job of recovering the most compensation available?

Does the Attorney Work on Contingency Fee?

Any reputable personal injury attorney offers free case evaluations and charges no upfront fees. Instead, they work on a contingency fee basis, meaning they don’t get paid until after you recover compensation for damages including medical expenses, lost wages, and compensation for pain and suffering. With contingency fees, an attorney does the work of investigating the injury, documenting evidence to prove liability, carefully calculating damages, and negotiating for the largest possible settlement—all without charging a fee. Their fee is contingent upon your recovery of compensation. After they secure your settlement or win a jury award for your damages in court, the attorney takes a prior-agreed-upon percentage of the compensation for their fees, typically around 30-35%.

Has the Attorney Handled Other Cases Similar to Yours?

If you’ve been injured in a slip-and-fall accident and your prospective attorney has mostly represented car accident victims, you may want to look elsewhere for representation. It’s important to choose a lawyer with a strong prior history of navigating cases that are similar to yours. This means they are well-versed in the state’s injury laws in that specific area of law and the insurance requirements for covering injuries of that type and can put their years of experience behind your case.

Strong Negotiation Skills

Taking a look at your prospective attorney’s track record for settlements is a good indication of their negotiating skills. If you see a history of clients satisfied with the representation they received by the firm and they walked away with a great settlement for their damages, it indicates that they’d have similar success in your case.

Successful Courtroom Experience

Despite the fact that the vast majority of claims settle outside of a courtroom, it’s critical to hire an attorney who not only negotiates well and can recover your losses in a settlement, but also one with extensive trial experience with a track record of success in obtaining ample jury awards in court.

Strong Communication Skills, Relatability, and Accessibility

Finally, an injury victim needs to feel comfortable discussing sensitive medical information and sharing intimate details of their lives with their attorney. They also need to know that their lawyer is there for them with availability to answer questions, frequent communication to update them on the progress of their case, and that they are willing to take time to get to know them and witness the impacts of the injury on their life and their family.

How Can An Attorney from Dan Davis Law Help?

No one should have to take on the burden of proving liability and calculating damages while they need to focus on their physical and emotional recovery and spending time healing. Contact Dan Davis Law in Oklahoma City to navigate the legal aspects of your injury while you work on reaching your maximum medical improvement.